Metamask hacked, how do they do it? 😱

You hear it all to often. ‘My metamask was hacked’ or I lost crypto to some scam. If you are in crypto more than 6 month’s, you are likely to get caught in some or other scam. Its happened to most of us. Here are 5 things you need to watch for. I hope this article saves someone thousands in lost crypto.

Shaun Enslin
3 min readJan 21, 2022

Security needs to be top of mind in crypto. There are more scammers than legit sites in crypto and they are after you.

1. Fake web site

Going into google, I searched for spiritswap. But take note a fake site came up first. Without thinking, I clicked on the first one in the list. But note that the address is slightly wrong. Since they do paid ad’s on google, they appear above the proper spiritswap as shown below.

Anyway, so I select it and choose connect, then choose metamask.

Here is the kicker, it looks and feels like metamask, but take note of 2 things

  • See you are actually still in the web site and not actually in metamask.
  • Then asking for my seed phrase

Never give out your seed phrase, to anyone — EVER

2. Admin’s contacting you via telegram to offer help

We all love our telegram, but its a guarantee that if you interact, you will be contacted. If you ask for help on a group, expect to get a phone call from someone claiming to be either an admin or help desk. They will then ask for your private keys or seed phrase.

Its a rule, the admin’s will NEVER direct message you first, EVER…

Never give your seed phrase or private keys to anyone

3. Getting an IDO allocation / free airdrop notification on telegram is always a scam

You can see my archive folder. These are all the groups I have been added to by scammers. Take note than any offer on telegram is always a scam. They will get you to send them crypto and then promise to airdrop the coins to you.

You will loose your coins if you follow their instructions

4. Pump & dump groups

With the promise of 200% gains in a few minutes, they are all scam’s. Some use exchanges like kucoin or binance, while others use scam exchanges like below. You can deposit, but your withdraw will always be frozen. They will require more and more deposits before you withdraw.

Looks legit, feels legit, but google any exchange before you deposit any coins.

Conclusion: Secure your telegram

Now, most importantly, set your security settings as below, this way you will not be auto added to scam groups and scammers who contact you will go to the archive folder.



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