Degens only: 31% APR on stable coin staking + bribes money 🕺🕺

Well, to be honest, this is the less risky side of degen 🤪 Beethoven X still has a great option for you to stake your USD for a juicy 31% APR. But, there’s more, read on to see how much you can make from the BEETS wars bribes.

Shaun Enslin
3 min readApr 8, 2022


If you are not involved in the Beets wars, then feel free to head over to a series I wrote up recently.

In a nutshell, get involved in Beethoven for good APR’s, but also start voting to receive additional bribes from the winning pools every 2 weeks. As much as $17 for every 1000 beets.

So, not bad, with a current price of $0.59, not only can you earn a 50% APR, but every 2 weeks, you can earn from $12 — $17 in bribes.


Due diligence

BEETS seems to have found its support and certainly has rebounded recently to find its range around the $0.50 level.

While, our pool of choice is “One God Between Two Stables”, you can see a healthy $80 million APR.

Your risk factor is the DEI keeping PEG, so keep an eye out and try to make sure you invest when its at peg, otherwise there is a small impermanent loss risk.

If you withdraw, you can try and time it when your coins are back at a 50/50 split to lower your IL.

What to do with your rewards

Remember to come in and harvest and since I am bullish on BEET’s, I am investing those in the Fidelio Duetto pool. This gets you a voting steak in the BEETS wars.

If you are not as bullish, you can swap for USDC/DEI and compound.


Beethoven remains a bullish choice. I keep a close eye on the APR and will withdraw if it drops below 20% and move back to Anchor Protocal.

